Welcome to the Bitnami HTTPS Configuration tool.
Please provide a valid space-separated list of domains for which you wish to
configure your web server.
Domain list []: #ここにドメインを入力する
The following domains were not included: www.xxx.tk. Do you want to add them? [Y/n]: # www を付加してもアクセスできるようにするか。とりあえず今回はnにした
Warning: No www domains (e.g. www.example.com) or non-www domains (e.g.
www.example.com) have been provided, so the following redirections will be
disabled: non-www to www, www to non-www.
Press [Enter] to continue: # Enterを押すだけ
Enable/disable redirections
Please select the redirections you wish to enable or disable on your Bitnami
Enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection [Y/n]: # httpアクセスされたときにhttpsにリダイレクトするかどうか。Yにします。
Changes to perform
The following changes will be performed to your Bitnami installation:
1. Stop web server
2. Configure web server to use a free Let's Encrypt certificate for the domains:
3. Configure a cron job to automatically renew the certificate each month
4. Configure web server name to: xxx.tk
5. Enable HTTP to HTTPS redirection (example: redirect
to https://xxx.tk)
6. Start web server once all changes have been performed
Do you agree to these changes? [Y/n]: # 確認OKならY
Create a free HTTPS certificate with Let's Encrypt
Please provide a valid e-mail address for which to associate your Let's Encrypt
Domain list: xxx.tk
Server name: xxx.tk
E-mail address []: # Let's Encrypt に登録するメールアドレス
The Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement can be found at:
Do you agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement? [Y/n]: # Y
cat ~/bitnami_credentials
Welcome to the Redmine packaged by Bitnami
The default username and password is 'user' and 'xxxxxxxx'.
You can also use this password to access the databases and any other component the stack includes.
Please refer to https://docs.bitnami.com/ for more details.